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    At Chaitanya Raj, we heal mind and body through Hypnotherapy (Past Life Regression Therapy, Age Regression, Ego State Therapy, various Behavior Modification Psychotherapies ), Yoga, Pranayam & Meditation

    -by Lieutenant Colonel Rajesh Sharma (Retd)

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    INSOMNIA (Sleeplessness)


    The client came with complaints of sleeplessness and anxiety for the past 7/8 years. In addition, he is experiencing numbness in his legs lately, especially late at night when he is not able to sleep.



    • To enable him to have optimum sleep during the night.
    • To enable him to be relaxed and remain cool-headed in all kinds of situations.



    SESSION 1:

    A detailed discussion was held with him in which he confided that he shifted from Calcutta to Surat in the year 2006 for starting a new business. His present business was not generating as much profit as he was expecting and lately started going into loss. He also does not mix up easily with new people and finds it difficult to make friends.
    Trance was induced by breath watching and deepened by PMR. When he was in a deep trance he was given ego enhancement suggestions. Ego enhancement suggestions helped him feel not only relaxed but confident as well. Before the session was terminated PHS was given that he will continue to feel relaxed even after termination of the trance and next time when he comes for a session he would go into a very deep state of trance quickly and effortlessly.
    Feedback- After the trance was over Mr ‘Jain’ reported that he was feeling relaxed, light and much better.
    Homework- Mr ‘B’ was told to deep breathe and then observe his breathing for 5 to 10 minutes at least once or twice every day.


    SESSION 2:

    Mr ‘B’ told during Second Session that he has been practicing deep breathing and breath watching daily for 5 to 10 minutes and has been feeling good but his sleeplessness was still there. His anxiety had reduced but his sleep was still irregular and he was not sleeping well.
    Trance Induction- Trance was induced by PMR/ breath watching.
    Trance Deepening- By Visualisation
    While in deep trance he was asked to go to a beautiful place of his own choice. He found himself exploring through a beautiful & scenic landscape in mountains. He was asked to explore the area (to achieve SIC) and then it was suggested to him to find out if any ‘ashram’ or old house existed in this beautiful place. He confirmed that he has found an old house in the middle of this dense forest where he also met an old man who looked wise and had divine powers. He was asked to confirm with an ideo-motor signal if this old wise man was ready to speak to him. He confirmed through ideo meter signal (yes finger) that the old sadhu (monk) was ready to talk to him. He was encouraged to share all his problems with this Saadhu and seek wisdom. He was asked to confirm through a ‘yes’ finger whenever his conversation with this Saadhu was over and got answers to all his questions/ problems.
    He again confirmed after about 10 minutes that all his questions were answered by the ‘Saadhu’. He was then asked to ‘thank’ the monk and come back to the present day in the same relaxed and elated state. A suggestion was given that he would be able to utilize the wisdom given by ‘Saadhu’ in his day to day life. PHS was given that he would continue to feel relaxed after the termination of the trance and then the trance was terminated permissively.
    Feedback- He reported that the old Monk asked him to be patient and not worry too much and everything would become alright if stayed calm and relaxed while taking decisions related to his business. Today he was feeling relaxed and confident that all his problems related to business and personal life would be solved soon.


    SESSION 3 & 4:

    Mr ‘B’ reported this time that his sleep was improving though at a slow pace. He was feeling relaxed and confident in his day to day life as well.
    Trance Induction- BW & PMR
    Deepening- Visualisation & SIC


    Ego State Therapy. When he was in a deep trance he was asked to scan his body and report if he found any heaviness or discomfort in any part of his body. He conceded that there was heaviness and discomfort in his right leg. He was encouraged to establish a conversation with this discomfort in the right leg and assign a shape or figure to it and confirm whenever he was able to personify this discomfort in the right leg. He confirmed with a ‘yes’ finger that this discomfort was a blackish grey oval-shaped figure and a male who was clumsy. His name was ‘ Rupesh’.
    ‘Rupesh’ was asked as to why was he troubling Mr ‘B’ by making him uncomfortable and not letting him sleep. ‘Rupesh’ then said that he was doing it actually to help Mr ‘B’. When ‘Rupesh’ was asked to explain how he was helping Mr ‘B’ by not letting him sleep, he said that he was doing it so that Mr ‘B’ would worry more about his business and worked harder to generate profit. ‘Rupesh’ was thanked for his concern and told that Mr ‘B’ would be better prepared to deal with work challenges if he slept well during the night. Mr Rupesh was again thanked for his concern for Mr ‘B’. Mr Rupesh was told that whenever his help was required he would be at liberty to come and help Mr ‘B’ but as of now Mr Rupesh can go and rest.
    ‘Rupesh’ agreed to this suggestion and promised that if he was required at any point in time he would happily come to help Mr ‘B’. The trance was terminated after Mr ‘B’ confirmed that Rupesh had disappeared and his right leg was now feeling light.
    Feedback: Mr ‘B’ reported after the trance was over that he was feeling much better.
    Follow Up:
    In later telephonic follow-ups Mr ‘B’ confirmed that now he was able to sleep better and now there was no discomfort either in his right leg or any of the body parts and now felt confident in his day to day life. As Mr B was feeling relaxed and confident in his day to day routine life no more sessions were required or held after that, however, he was told to practice breath watching daily for 10 minutes,
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