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    How to stop ‘Negative Thoughts’

    4 years ago · · Comments Off on How to stop ‘Negative Thoughts’

    How to stop ‘Negative Thoughts’

    What are Negative Thoughts?

    Nothing good ever happens to me, he/ she doesn’t love me, I can never lose weight, I am not good enough, I will never find love, I can never make enough money…..all these are negative thoughts — unpleasant, tension creating mental constructs mostly grounded in past regrets or fears about what’s to come.

    It is a pattern of thinking negatively about oneself and the surroundings. Who hasn’t experienced them every once in a while? Most people try to stop these thoughts by, well… attempting to stop them. They try to suppress them or ignore them. I suppose you realize that doesn’t work. And, what you resist, always persists.

    All of us have an inner critic. A negative thought is something that most of us experience every now and then, and it comes in numerous forms. It creates huge pressure on our body, our psyche, our life, and our friends and family.

    Internally we keep exchanging thoughts that restrict our ability to trust in ourselves and our own abilities and to arrive at our potential. This also reduces our capacity to roll out improvements in our day-to-day life, lose self-confidence, eventually creating stress and hindering our growth.

    Different types of Negative Thoughts

    1. Constantly thinking, ’I am helpless, and I have no control’. The feeling of helplessness leads to depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem.
    2. Continuously fearing illness or death. ‘I am going to fall sick’, by telling this to yourself again and again, you are increasing the chances of falling sick.
    3. Feeling unloved and unappreciated especially when we have a disagreement with our partner. One keeps thinking that ‘he/she does not love me’ and how poorly he/she was treated leading to emotional insecurity, thus, jeopardizing the relationship.
    4. When one comes across challenges and difficult tasks, they start feeling they are not capable or strong enough to deal with it and this negative thought keeps them away from being successful.
    5. At the point when you are overweight, the thoughts of everything necessary to lose the weight feels outlandish. Discovering the energy and inspiration to work out, change your eating routine, and be steady and restrained nearly doesn’t appear to be great and achievable. And, one says, ‘I will never be able to lose weight’. Now all the negative thoughts are making it significantly harder to move towards good health.
    6. There are times when we all feel we are not good enough every now and then, but then these thoughts of low self-worth are consistent, it leaves a different impression on others. Your absence of trust in yourself guarantees that others will not be certain about your abilities or drawn to you.

    How can Negative Thoughts affect us?

    Our thoughts control us and if they are negative, it increases the risk of mental health problems. We may lack motivation, feel helpless, we may not be able to see the opportunities and how we can capitalize on them. We start telling ourselves, we can’t do it, and the more we tell ourselves this we start believing it.

    This limits our thinking, our behavior changes. If not addressed well, it can lead to depression and a feeling of insecurity. In this scenario, ‘playful’ or ‘constructive’ criticism may also take a toll on us.

    Tips on releasing Negative Thoughts and regaining control of your thoughts

    While it’s easy to say replace negative thoughts with thoughts that make you feel better. One can also share their feelings with loved ones, and this helps in keeping those thoughts in perspective.

    We can also do small things to pamper ourselves like getting a new haircut or taking an off from work and playing with kids or be with friends. Further, one can also write down the thoughts rather than think about it and write daily affirmations too.

    Try some of these ideas and track down the one that turns out best for you. Individuals are unique and that is the reason we have various answers for things.

    Make a move

    Many times, negative thoughts are helpful in making you aware that there is something in your life that requires immediate attention: something needs to change. Ordinarily, when you make a move on whatever that is, the negative thoughts die down.

    In case there is an issue in your life that feels unsettled—the separation with the ex; a relationship with a relative; a terrible circumstance at work where you believed you might have done another way—these are the sorts of irritating issues that our mind will turn on trying to attempt to make the last goal and close the loop.

    Heal the past

    The issue can be that these events relate to our past and since there’s no changing the past, it’s basically impossible to close the loop. So, these thoughts are aimless (other than to disturb the hell out of you). However, there are approaches to close those open loops from the past.

    Forgiveness is an amazing one and only requires you, not the other individual. What’s more, obviously as you’ve heard, forgiveness isn’t disregarding the other individual’s conduct, yet about moving past the suffering.

    If you resist forgiveness, in that case, instead of saying ‘I forgive that person,’ says ‘I release that person’ and the pain they caused me. This helps you live in the present.

    Focused distraction

    Taking off your mind from the negative thoughts can divert you. The thought is that in the long run, your mind will get on another track, discover different things to zero in on, and just let negative thoughts fade away naturally.

    Focusing on one thing helps rather than letting your mind wander. Focusing on one thing or selective focus is what hypnosis is all about. Your hobbies like painting, tying flies for fishing involves great focus.

    Getting engrossed in an extraordinary book, film, or music which has immense mood and thought-changing abilities since it influences your brain waves. Or quit wasting time and do some self-hypnosis.


    Like Hypnosis, meditation changes the brainwave state. It additionally prepares your mind and your brain to hold a delicate focal point of attention, which creates a calm mind and fewer thoughts.

    Meditating consistently is advantageous for both body and mind. Perhaps the most widely recognized disappointments we hear from individuals is that they’ve “attempted” to meditate and it “simply didn’t work for them,” however upon additional conversation they had poor or practically no guidance.

    It is an ability and there is a whole other world to it than simply shutting your eyes, zeroing in on your breath, and “making an effort not to think.” If you attempted meditation previously and didn’t find it effective, help yourself out and track down a decent meditation instructor in your area and try it out with appropriate guidance. Chaitanyaraj conducts weekly group workshops to help you meditate

    A proven way to overcome repeated negative thoughts – Hypnosis

    One does not have to live with negative thoughts forever. We can begin to make a psychological shift quickly to help our thoughts become more certain. And, to be able to do this, the foremost thing is to understand from where does this pattern of negative thoughts comes from….Generally, they are manifested from past negative events or experiences.

    Both clinical and non-clinical investigations have discovered the advantages of hypnotherapy to be wide-ranging from addressing several mental, emotional, and physical problems. – including anxiety, depression, insomnia, and panic attacks – to easing the symptoms of physical conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and eczema.

    Hypnosis also helps to get rid of any fear, eases pain from trauma and abuse, opens up instincts, streamlines decision-making, and creates more confidence, balance and brings calmness in daily life.

    Similarly, hypnotherapy can offer transformative changes in people who think negatively. The therapist takes you to a trance-like state, where breathing turns increasingly slow, the pulse rate drops and the metabolic rate falls. This helps us access the unconscious mind to turn off negative behavior patterns and beliefs forever, replacing them with a positive attitude.

    You can look for a hypnotherapist locally to do a one-on-one session. If you choose to work directly with me through my online or in-office sessions, then you can request an appointment from here:

    Happy Thoughts to you.

    Categories: Life tips

    Kislay Tiwary

    Kislay Tiwary

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