At Chaitanya Raj, we heal mind and body through Hypnotherapy (Past Life Regression Therapy, Age Regression, Ego State Therapy, various Behavior Modification Psychotherapies ), Yoga, Pranayam & Meditation
Are you facing any of these symptoms? These symptoms are a sign that something deep-rooted is bothering you. It may signal that you need to consult a counsellor. At Chaitanya Raj, we are here to help. Sessions are always private, discreet and confidential.
Stress is a perfectly normal response of the body to a change in one’s regular lifestyle. However, when faced with extraordinary demands or threats such as office or home pressures or a fight with a loved one, financial problems or a traumatic experience, humans experience high levels of stress. Chronic stress can cause depression, irritability, poor concentration, forgetfulness and low energy levels. Stress can have very physical symptoms such as frequent headaches, insomnia, dizziness, sweaty palms and feet and loss of sexual desire. In the long run, chronic stress can cause high blood pressure, heart disease and gastrointestinal problems.
If you or your loved one is experiencing high levels of stress, consider hypnotherapy. It needs a deeper exploration of the real cause of stress in the sub-conscious and cognitive restructuring, using hypnotherapy techniques.
Anxiety strikes in many forms. It can be anxiety in students due to upcoming exams, social anxiety or performance anxiety before an important presentation.
High levels of anxiety can be debilitating. It can cause heart palpitations, breathlessness, the person can be at a loss for words inspite of being well prepared. Such cases can be helped to a large extent by various techniques of psychotherapy like Cognitive Drill Therapy and Cognitve Behaviour Therapy.
Is your loved one behaving differently? Has the fun-loving, extroverted, always at the top of his class boy suddenly gone quiet? If someone in your circle has suddenly stopped doing the things that he loved, or if he finds excuses not to step out and meet friends and prefers to just be alone, this may be an early sign of depression. Excessive sleeping or insomnia can be a symptom and so can sudden loss of appetite.
Depression is often triggered by life-impacting events like a death in the family or a loss of job or separation of the parents and can drastically impact one’s outlook to life. Depression often strikes along with anxiety and chronic depression can be damaging to one’s physical health too. Depression is not restricted to adults. In fact, teenagers and children too can be affected by depression.
If you or your loved one show signs of depression, reach out to us. Using various psychotherapeutic techniques, we can help.
Phobia or Fears
A phobia is an intense irrational fear of a specific object or situation. Such a stuation often poses little or no actual danger in reality. But for the person who has a phobia, the fear is real.
Some examples of common phobias and fears that people suffer are fear of closed-in-places, fear of heights, fear of dogs or snakes, fear of darkness, fear of flying in an aeroplane, fear of crowds, fear of speaking in public and many more. While most phobias develop in our early age, they can also develop in later life.
The symptoms of phobia can range from mild feelings of apprehension and anxiety to full-blown panic attack. You may find it difficult to breathe, have chest pain, trembling body parts, hot or cold flashes, and feeling the intense need to escape or fear like you are going to die or pass out.
If you think you have any kind of phobia, especially that interferes with your normal functioning and keeps you away from doing things you would otherwise enjoy, it’s time to seek professional help. Phobias can be treated successfully by hypno-psychotherapy where we discover its underlying cause and make gentle suggestions for behaviour changes that can help you conquer your phobia.
Drug or Alcohol Abuse
The use of drugs or alcohol can be recreational or, in some cases, may be used as a means to escape fom harsh realities or unpleasant memories. When a person starts to become dependent on drugs or alcohol and cannot function without it, such a person is considered to be addicted or Drug or Alcohol dependent. This addiction has a negative impact on personal and professional relationships and on health too.
Therapeutic Hypnosis is useful in assisting in the treatment of such cases. The hypnotherapist connects with the patient to implant positive suggestions to avoid the use and abuse of such substances and to uncover deep-rooted problems in his past or present that may have led to this addiction.
Sexual Dysfunctions
Sexual Dysfunction refers to problems that prevent the individual from experiencing satisfaction from sexual activity.
Sex is a topic that most people hesitate to discuss. Whereas, in reality, a loving and sexually satisfying relationship contributes a great deal to our happiness.
Although sexual dysfunction can affect any age, it is more common in men and women over 40. The symptoms are usually lack of sexual desire, inability to become physically aroused, delay or absence of orgasm and pain during intercourse.
While there could be physical or medical conditions which may cause problems with sexual function, it is often likely to be caused by psychological causes like work-related stress and anxiety, concern about sexual performance, marital or relationship problems, depression, feelings of guilt, concerns about body image and the effects of past sexual trauma.
If you are struggling with sexual dysfunction, consider hypnotherapy. It can help.
Stammering, also referred to as Stuttering, is a speech disorder characterized by the repetition of sounds, syllables, or words; prolongation of sounds; and interruptions in speech. These speech disruptions may be accompanied by struggle behaviors, such as rapid eye blinks or involuntary tremor of the lips. Stress often makes it worse resulting in low self-esteem and high anxiety both in personal and professional lives.
Stammering is quite common in children and can continue in adulthood affecting everyone differently. It could occur due to several reasons like head injury, a stroke, neurological condition, trauma, and times of intense stress. Stammering may emerge only at times of high stress, only to be followed by periods of speaking fluidly. All of this can lead to you changing your behavior and withdrawing from social interactions.
Whether your stammering is severe or mild, hypnotherapy can actually improve the fluency of your speech. The therapist can also help you develop strategies to cope better with your routine triggers like common social situations.
Sexual, Physical or Emotional Abuse
Abuse is a pattern of behavior used by one person to gain and maintain power and control over another. The most common examples are childhood abuse, sexual and domestic abuse. Sexual abuse of a child can happen at the hands of the father, uncle, cousin, house-help or even by a trusted family friend and makes the child feel helpless to stop the abuse. This leads to low self-esteem, relationship issues and anger issues in adulthood.
Emotional abuse, also known as Psychological abuse, involves any behavior directed towards hurting another person emotionally. This can take the form of yelling, threats, humiliation and shaming. Another common form is physical abuse, also known as domestic violence, where physical activity is designed to harm another person physically like slapping, punching, hair-pulling and kicking.
If you are a victim of any kind of abuse or know someone who might be, hypnotherapy is very effective in helping survivors to restructure their memories of abuse to give them a greater sense of control and in addressing painful feelings.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ( PTSD)
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is a mental health condition that is triggered by experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event such as a natural disaster, a serious accident, a terrorist attack, rape, child abuse or any other violent personal assault.
Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares, angry outbursts, problems in concentrating or sleeping, severe anxiety and constant disturbing thoughts about the event. As a result, the person avoids people and social activities, as such situations bring on distressing memories. He/ she may also have distorted self-beliefs, experiencing self-blame and a continuous feeling of guilt.
Though the person might feel they will never get their normal life back, this disorder can be treated with a range of psychotherapies. The therapies concentrate on the source of the fear, equips the person with skills to deal with it and restores one’s self-esteem.
Parting from loved ones is part of our lives and everyone has to deal with the death of their near ones or the end of relationships in their lifetime. We all are afraid of abandonment and when finding it imminent, anxiety grips us with the idea of losing someone we care about. It often begins in childhood when a child experiences a traumatic loss or get anxious about their parents going away, even if only for a short time. There are also children who do not sleep without their parents or even let them step out of the room. In childhood, the physical and emotional needs are met by parents and during adulthood, it comes from personal and romantic relationships. Death of a loved one, physical and sexual abuse, end of relationships due to divorce, and infidelity are events that can interrupt assurance at any age.
While some level of reaction is natural when parting is likely but the excessive reaction can be a sign of an underlying mental health condition. Many people exhibit behavior that pushes people to leave them so that they are never shocked by the loss. This kind of behavior is only a defense mechanism to avoid the pain of separation. Continuation of this behavior over time can have unhealthy consequences and can prevent the development of healthy relationships.
Treatment for abandonment issues helps in understanding where the fear originates from and how can you deal with it when you sense the fear rising in anticipation of separation.
Getting over the loss of a loved one or having a heartbreak takes time. We all experience grief differently. With time, some people can move forward, for others grief can be overwhelming and prevents them from getting on with their life.
Some of the key emotions you may encounter could be anxiety and helplessness about how you are going to cope without this person being there. You may feel lonely on losing someone you were close to and this may also lead to sadness. Sadness that there is now a void in your life that cannot be filled by anyone else. You may blame yourself thinking you could have done more for this person when they were there.
If the time has passed and you still feel overwhelming grief, hypnotherapy can help you understand why you feel the way you do, how you can come to terms with your emotions, and allow you to understand the grieving process. Eventually, you overcome grief and reach a stage where you can enjoy the memories of your loved one without being charged with painful feelings.
Depression, not wanting to get out of the bed in the morning, not being able to sleep, overreacting when a closed family member has a medical symptom, not trusting others who offer help, especially therapists, medical practitioners, and closed family members